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Ahmed Pato reveals the details of “The Valley Road”


The Forum of Arab Communities in Saudi Arabia organized a technical symposium to present and discuss the Saudi film “The Valley Road”, in which a number of artists, led by the artist Ahmed Pato, and a number of young people from the communities, including the Egyptian community, participate.

During his speech at the symposium, Batu explained that the film discusses an important and different issue, which is the “silence syndrome” in children, as it explores the character of the child “Ali” who suffers from the silence syndrome, after he lost his way while going to see a doctor in a nearby village, and finds himself alone in a place remote.

The young artist continued, that the series of obstacles and challenges facing the child “Ali” will not prevent him from discovering the world that awaits him; Later, his family realizes that what he suffers is not a disease but rather an advantage, giving him a torrent of imagination and imagination embodied by the film’s heroes.

Ahmed Pato noted that the film witnessed the participation of young Egyptians abroad, expressing his hope that the idea of ​​the film will be admired by the audience and participate in many local and Arab festivals

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