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Aqeel Fantasia participates in the theatrical show “Amal Bakra”


The artist Aqeel Fantasia is participating in the theatrical show “Amal Bakra”, in which a group of graduates of the “Start Your Dream” initiative to reveal young talents in the governorates, which was launched by the Culture Palaces, will participate.

The play discusses the crisis of bullying that some young people suffer from, for special reasons, whether by illness, or circumstances they went through in a life that left him a bad psychological impact. going through a crisis.

In the play, Aqeel Fantasia embodies the role of a character who suffers from bullying by some of his colleagues at the university, due to a disease that causes him a lot of damage in dealing with his friends and colleagues, forcing him to retire from everyone, until he meets a doctor who succeeds in treating him, and restores his confidence in himself. again.

“Amal Bakra” show, which is scheduled to tour the governorates, to be shown in many different theaters and culture houses, given that theater is the father of arts, and a strong way to address some of the phenomena that society is going through.

It is worth noting that the “Start Your Dream” workshop is one of the qualitative creative projects adopted by the Ministry of Culture to invest in the energies of young people. It also contributes to creating new generations capable of achieving Egyptian artistic prosperity and promoting the concept of soft power for the new Egyptian state.

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